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Inside DreamBall 2023

More than $1.2 million was raised for Look Good Feel Better at this year's gala.

The Look Good Feel Better BeautyCares DreamBall made its return to New York’s Gotham Hall on Oct. 11, drawing 350 attendees and raising $1.2 million in support.

“Everyone here is working together to make a difference in the lives of others,” said honoree Debi Chirichella, president of Hearst Magazines, who sat in on a Look Good Feel Better virtual workshop and said of the experience: “To see the women who were participants, to see their joy and increase in self-confidence; their courage and their vulnerability — it is something I will never forget.”

The evening’s other honorees were Amazon’s Melis del Rey; P&G Beauty‘s Alex Keith; OPI cofounder and Aloxxi chief executive officer George Schaeffer, and survivor advocate and NBC News correspondent Kristen Dahlgren.

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“Look Good Feel Better is in the fabric of what makes beauty, beauty,” said Keith, who joined Procter & Gamble as a fresh college graduate in 1989, one year after Look Good Feel Better’s founding. “Moments like tonight are special, but the work you do every day is what makes the real difference.”

Del Rey, too, praised the organization’s beauty workshops, developed to support cancer patients through the side effects of treatment. “The experience is far more than just makeup or hair tutorials — it’s about beauty’s commitment to compassion and care.”

Schaeffer, who received the Legacy Award, spoke of the power to transform lives through this very compassion. “They say a legend is the story of what you do, but a legacy is who you are and what you leave behind; getting involved, helping communities and creating one-on-one moments that directly impact people’s lives — that is the legacy I want to leave behind.”

Dahlgren, who received a stage two breast cancer diagnosis just months after undergoing a mammogram that was negative, emphasized the importance of driving awareness, and cultivating joy for patients and survivors. “What [Look Good Feel Better] is giving women is so much more than a makeover — you are giving them the strength to fight this battle and beyond.”